Benefits of The Station Rotation Model
- Facilitate small group, differentiated instruction
- Provide students with agency to increase engagement
- Shift feedback into the classroom
- Foster communication, collaboration, and creative problem-solving among students
- Give students more control over the pace of their learning
- Differentiate learning activities, supports and scaffolds, and level of academic rigor for learners with different skills, abilities, and needs.
Maximize Your Impact & Increase Engagement
It's impossible to meet the needs of diverse learners if you move in lockstep through curriculum and activities as a whole class.
Explore how the Station Rotation Model can help you create more opportunities to work directly with small groups of students, individualize scaffolding and support, differentiate instruction, move feedback into the classroom, and allow students to control the pace of their learning.
Rediscover your joy in the classroom!
Use Technology to Shift Control to Students
Design online learning stations using the 4Cs of 21st-century learning to ensure technology is used to connect, not isolate, learners!
Make Time for Small-Group Interactions
Use precious class time to differentiate instruction, guide interactive modeling sessions, provide real-time feedback, facilitate small group discussions, and connect with your students!
Develop a Dynamic Learning Community
Challenge students to wrestle with complex ideas, collaborate around shared tasks, and engage in academic discourse to make meaning and construct knowledge.
Course Curriculum
- Welcome to This Course!
- Introduction: The Station Rotation Model (7:47)
- Design Tip: Going Horizontal with Your Linear Agenda (8:38)
- Design Your Teacher Led Station: Spotlight on Differentiation & Engagement (17:59)
- Design Your Online Station: Spotlight on the 4Cs of 21st Century Learning (5:35)
- Bonus Lesson: Using Your Online Station for Asynchronous Discussion (11:57)
- Design Your Offline Station: Spotlight on Student Agency (4:52)
- Grouping Strategies (7:21)
- Challenge #1: Large Class Sizes (1:52)
- Challenge #2: Short Class Periods (4:28)
- Management Strategies (11:38)
- Tips for Making Station Rotation a Success (6:46)
- Frequently Asked Questions (10:46)
Meet Your Instructor
Dr. Catlin Tucker
Dr. Catlin Tucker is a bestselling author, international trainer, and keynote speaker. She was named Teacher of the Year in 2010 in Sonoma County, where she taught for 16 years. Catlin earned her doctorate in learning technologies from Pepperdine University. Currently, Catlin works as a blended learning coach, education consultant, and professor in the Masters of Arts in Teaching program at Pepperdine University. Catlin has written a series of bestselling books on blended learning, which include The Shift to Student-led, The Complete Guide to Blended Learning, UDL and Blended Learning, and Balance With Blended Learning. She is active on Twitter @Catlin_Tucker and Instagram @CatlinTucker and writes an internationally-ranked blog at
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