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Advancing with Blended and Online Learning
Getting Started: Pre-work for your Advanced Blended/Online Course
Welcome to the Advanced Course (6:10)
Building Your Technology Toolkit
About Me (2:52)
Module 1: Metacognitive Skill Building–Teaching Students to Think About Their Learning
Lesson #1: Embracing a Partnership Model (5:38)
Lesson #2 Goal Setting (10:00)
Lesson #3: Monitoring and Tracking Progress and Communicating That Progress to Families (10:13)
Lesson #4: Designing Simple Standards-aligned Rubrics to Guide Self-assessment (8:20)
Lesson #5: Reflecting on the Learning (11:10)
*Bonus Lesson: Making Time for Metacognitive Skill Building in the Concurrent Classroom (5:58)
Module 2: Next Level Station Rotation Model
Introduction to the Station Rotation Model (8:36)
Lesson #1: The Teacher-led Station (14:49)
Lesson #2: The Online Station (8:54)
Lesson #3: The Offline Station (5:12)
Lesson #4: Grouping Strategies (6:25)
Lesson #5: Universal Design for Learning, More on Differentiation & General Tips (13:02)
*Bonus Lesson: Adapting the Station Rotation for the Concurrent Classroom (7:44)
Module 3: Choice Boards & Choose Your Own Adventure Learning Experiences
Lesson #1: Design Strategies for Choice Boards (7:57)
Lesson #2: Differentiating a Choice Board (5:21)
Lesson #3: Choose Your Own Adventure Choice Boards (6:52)
Lesson #4: Choose Your Own Learning Adventure Google Slide Deck (7:32)
*Bonus Lesson: Using Choice Boards to Create Time to Conference in a Concurrent Classroom (6:58)
Module 4: Building a Playlist to Differentiate or Personalize Learning
Lesson #1: Select Target Standards and Skills & Articulate Clear Learning Objectives (1:16)
Lesson #2: Build in Mechanisms to Collect Formative Assessment Data–Assessing Prior Knowledge (1:32)
Lesson #3: Pre-teach Vocabulary (1:28)
Lesson #4: Encourage Exploration & Engagement with New Information (1:55)
Lesson #5: Teacher Check-ins/Conferencing Sessions (2:12)
Lesson #6: Personalize Practice with Adaptive Software & Checks for Understanding (1:09)
Lesson #7: Student Agency and Assessing Student Learning (2:06)
Lesson #8: Record a Screencast Introducing Your Students to the Parts of the Playlist and the Protocols for Moving Through the Playlist (1:17)
Lesson #9: Differentiating and Personalizing the Path of the Playlist (5:49)
*Bonus Lesson: Using the Playlist Model in the Concurrent Classroom (5:32)
Module 5: Increasing Engagement and Student Agency with the 5Es Instructional Model
Lesson #1: Craft Your Essential Question (4:48)
Lesson #2: Engage (10:57)
Lesson #3: Explore (10:59)
Lesson #4: Explain (5:07)
Lesson #5: Elaborate and Extend (6:20)
Lesson #6: Evaluate (5:49)
*Bonus Lesson: 5Es in the Concurrent Classroom (5:48)
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Lesson #6: Evaluate
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