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Getting Started with Blended & Online Learning
Getting Started: Pre-work for your Blended/Online Course
Welcome to the Course (1:35)
Setting Up Your Technology Toolbox (4:00)
About Me (2:52)
Introduction to the Community of Inquiry Theoretical Framework Guided Notes (6:44)
Blended vs. Online Learning (9:23)
Module 1: Teaching Presence–Designing Your Blended/Online Course
Lesson 1: Design Your Course Syllabus (13:25)
Lesson 2: Set Up Your Virtual Classroom (3:58)
Lesson 3: Curriculum Mapping for First Semester (9:30)
Lesson 4: Helping Students Get (and Stay) Organized (15:15)
Module 2: Teaching Presence–Designing Blended/Online Lessons
Lesson 1: Explore the Building Blocks of a Blended/Online Lesson (6:15)
Lesson 2: Formative Assessment Strategies (13:19)
Lesson 3: Differentiation (6:52)
Lesson 4: Student Agency (5:02)
Module 3: Teaching Presence–Blended/Online Instruction
Introduction: Synchronous vs. Asynchronous instruction (4:56)
Lesson 1: Asynchronous Instruction–Tips for Creating Strong Video Content & Engaging Students Around that Instruction (13:46)
Lesson 2: Flip & Engage–Design a Three Part Flipped Lesson (10:31)
Lesson 3: Synchronous Instruction with Video Conferencing (15:12)
Module 4: Teaching Presence: Facilitating Learning Online
Lesson 1: Designing Dynamic Discussion Questions (10:46)
Lesson 2: Teaching Students to Say Something Substantial (5:23)
Lesson 3: Deciding on a Realistic Facilitation Role (4:58)
Lesson 4: Facilitating Synchronous Online Discussions (9:55)
Module 5: Social Presence–Building Community Online
Lesson 1: Creating a Safe Space Online (4:57)
Lesson 2: Getting to Know Your Students Online (8:16)
Lesson 3: Building Community with Online Icebreakers (7:09)
Lesson 4: Checking-in and Asking for Feedback (3:26)
Module 6: Cognitive Presence–Student-centered Blended/Online Learning
Lesson 1: The Station Rotation Model (11:23)
Lesson 2: Choice Boards (4:12)
Lesson 3: Playlist Model (9:29)
Lesson 4: 5Es Learning Experience (10:27)
Bonus Module and Resources
Lesson 1: Bookend Your Lessons to Increase Productivity (8:13)
Lesson 2: Maximizing Productivity in Breakout Rooms (12:19)
Lesson 3: Preparing For, Facilitating & Wrapping Up Synchronous Online Discussions (8:14)
Preview (and Overview) of the Advancing Blended and Online Learning Course (6:10)
Teach online with
Lesson 4: 5Es Learning Experience
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